How To Build an Engaging Business Community

Shawn Wong
3 min readJul 30, 2023


Social Network

In the realms of global commerce and business, building a community equates to carving a niche for your brand. It’s about fostering relationships and nurturing connections through valuable content creation and a structured ecosystem for content distribution. However, creating such a community isn’t as straightforward as it might seem — it’s an art and science that requires deliberate strategies, systems, and a deep understanding of your audience.

Community Building Versus Paid Media

Community building offers compounded long-term gains, acting as a rich vein of Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV). These gains often surpass the results from traditional paid media. Yet, the question arises — why isn’t this strategy universally pursued? The answer lies in the difficulty of genuinely understanding and establishing a community. The key factor is the value you provide — is your audience learning, being entertained, or finding inspiration from your content?

Community Building Vs Paid Media

The Foundation of Community Structuring

An effective community structure emphasises the nurturing of an active community. Its cornerstone is understanding your customers. This understanding allows you to craft a roadmap to authority within your chosen playing field.

Building Authority in Your Field

Building authority starts with determining your unique value proposition. What sets you apart? Once defined, it’s crucial to select the right platforms aligning with your brand’s voice and goals. Remember, building authority is not just about showcasing knowledge but also about active engagement. Answer questions, spark conversations, and be an active participant in your community.

Creating a Loyal Customer Base

Creating a clientele that chooses your business consistently involves understanding customer psychology. The magic lies in managing their post-purchase behaviour, which depends significantly on how well you’ve catered to their psychological needs.

Understanding the Game of Dependency

Dependency can be segmented into three types — codependent, independent, and interdependent. In a codependent relationship, customers are emotionally dependent on the business, which is unsustainable. An independent relationship has customers who aren’t dependent on the business but approach it for their needs, offering limited control for the business.

What you should aim for is an interdependent relationship — a balance where mutual benefits and collaboration exist. This type of relationship builds respect and trust, creating a community where customers feel valued.


In summary, community building is a long-term commitment requiring strategic planning, execution, and assessment. The reward is a loyal customer base that acts as brand ambassadors, enhancing your brand’s authenticity and reach. It’s a continual process, ever-evolving with your audience’s needs and the market’s dynamics. Your goal is to strike the right balance, create the right content, choose the right platform, and engage effectively with your audience. By doing so, you create a community where relationships are nurtured, and customers keep coming back, thereby boosting your CLTV phenomenally.



Shawn Wong

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" - Nelson Mandela