How To Create Marketing Angles

Shawn Wong
3 min readAug 4, 2023


Marketing Angles

In an ever-evolving business landscape, establishing a unique and compelling marketing angle is no longer a choice — it’s a necessity. This article will delve into the critical elements of creating a marketing angle, emphasising the importance of systems in understanding and positioning your business. We’ll take you on a journey that explores how context, engagement, and human connection can amplify your marketing efforts, helping you stand out in an overcrowded marketplace.


One of the most effective ways to craft a unique marketing angle is to use a three-pillar framework: What, Who, and When. These pillars allow you to understand the distinct elements that shape your product or service’s value proposition and influence customer perception.


a. Dream Outcome and Nightmare: These opposing aspects represent the best and worst possible outcomes that your product or service can deliver. While the dream outcome emphasises the transformational power of your offering, the nightmare highlights the risks or disadvantages of not using it.

b. Time Delay and Speed: This refers to how quickly your product or service can deliver the desired outcome and how that speed compares to alternatives.

c. Perceived Likelihood of Achievement and Risk: This focuses on how likely your customers believe they are to achieve the desired outcome and the perceived risks associated with using your product.

d. Effort & Sacrifice and Ease: This covers the amount of effort customers must put into using your product or service and the sacrifices, if any, they must make.


Understanding who values your product or service from various perspectives can make your marketing approach unique. This perspective could come from anyone in the prospect’s life — a spouse, a friend, a colleague, or even a child. Different perspectives evoke different emotions and can significantly influence the decision-making process.


Timing, they say, is everything — and in marketing, this couldn’t be truer. Understanding when to present the pain points or pleasure your product or service brings can make a massive difference in the success of your marketing efforts. The ability to play with time — whether by reflecting on past challenges, discussing present problems, or projecting future scenarios — enables you to connect with your audience on a deeper level.


Using the three-pillar framework enables you to create an array of benefits tied to choosing your product or service and present them in a positive light. It provides you with countless ways to strike different chords with various people, ultimately deepening the connection between your brand and your audience.


In conclusion, creating an effective marketing angle goes beyond just selling a product or service — it’s about storytelling, engaging, and connecting on a human level. By leveraging the three-pillar framework, you can create a dynamic and compelling narrative that not only showcases the value of your offering but also resonates with your target audience’s desires and fears.

Your marketing angle is more than just a promotional tool — it’s the lens through which your customers see your brand. So, make it count. By understanding and implementing the three-pillar framework, you can create an irresistible marketing angle that keeps your brand top-of-mind for years to come.

This guide aims to be the go-to resource for marketers and business owners alike, a piece that would be cherished by the masses for the next 100 years. So whether you’re a startup aiming for rapid growth or an established company looking to refine your marketing strategy, remember — the power of a compelling marketing angle is infinite. All it takes is understanding the right elements, applying the right perspective, and timing it perfectly.



Shawn Wong

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" - Nelson Mandela