How To Engineer Success For Start-Ups

Shawn Wong
3 min readAug 1, 2023


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In the chaotic whirlwind of startup culture, the path to success often appears elusive, shrouded in uncertainty. However, a closer inspection reveals a set of underlying principles that, when harnessed properly, can significantly enhance the probability of success. This article, with its fusion of theoretical insights and pragmatic execution strategies, seeks to shed light on the techniques vital to startup longevity and prosperity.

Harnessing the Power of Customer Acquisition

Understanding customer acquisition is akin to deciphering the Rosetta Stone of business success. The ability to attract and convert potential customers into loyal patrons forms the backbone of sustainable business growth. Two primary mechanisms drive customer acquisition: Platform Driven Leads and People Driven Leads.

Platform Driven Leads: The Lead Magnet Machine’s Engine

Paid Media: This involves investing in advertising space on popular platforms. While providing a degree of control and scalability, paid media requires substantial financial investment and constant optimisation.

Earned Media: This pertains to publicity gained through promotional efforts other than advertising. Although it offers credibility and can be cost-effective, the unpredictability and difficulty of gaining earned media can be challenging.

Owned Media: This includes platforms controlled by the company, like websites or blogs. While offering full control and cost-effectiveness, success heavily depends on the quality of content and SEO optimisation.

People Driven Leads: The Infrastructure of the Lead Magnet Machine

Manual Outbound: This involves reaching out to potential customers directly. While providing a personal touch, it can be time-consuming and requires skilled communication.

Affiliates: This involves partnering with others to promote your product or service. Though it can broaden reach, managing affiliates can be complex.

Referral: This leverages the networks of existing customers. While it engenders trust, it relies heavily on customer satisfaction.

Incentivising Leads and Magnetising Conversion

Creating compelling incentives and utilising lead magnet vehicles are crucial in capturing and maintaining customer interest. These may take various forms, from special offers to valuable content, depending on the business model.

It’s worth noting that B2C startups tend to have an easier short-term trajectory compared to B2B, due to the larger customer base and faster purchase cycles. In contrast, B2B startups often find more long-term success, given their typically larger contract sizes and higher customer loyalty. A study by the Harvard Business Review supports this, showing that B2B companies have higher survival rates after five years compared to B2C.

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Navigating the Path of Fulfillment

The execution of fulfillment significantly impacts customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. Different strategies cater to varying timelines and business types.

  • For E-commerce: Dropshipping provides a flexible short-term solution, but to optimise margin control in the long run, transitioning to third-party warehouse fulfillment and ultimately in-house warehouse operations is recommended.
  • For Services: A manual Google sheet may suffice initially, but the long-term solution lies in leveraging talent and software for efficient service management.
  • For Brick-and-mortar Businesses: While manual service or product delivery can work initially, digitising operations will pave the way for long-term efficiency and growth.


Navigating the turbulent waters of startup business requires an in-depth understanding of customer acquisition, effective incentives, and strategic execution of fulfillment. This guide is designed to serve as a navigational tool for entrepreneurs and SMEs, merging academic insights with pragmatic execution strategies. It’s our hope that these principles, supported by data and research, will aid in shaping the future of startups and contribute to the creation of businesses that will thrive in the coming century.



Shawn Wong

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" - Nelson Mandela